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East Austin Thursdays  Bocce · Co-Ed Outdoor Bar Bocce - Permanent Court

Winter 2020
Feb 6 ’20
Registration Dates:
Nov 18 ’19 – Dec 1 ’19 early bird
Dec 2 ’19 – Jan 26 ’20 regular
Jan 27 ’20 – Jan 31 ’20 late
Batch Craft Beer & Kolaches
Minimum age:
21 years old
Age as of:
Feb 6 ’20
MonTueWedThuFriSatSun 6:30pm to 10:00pm
Team Fees
Early Bird $45.00 per player + $2.95 Processing Fee
Regular $55.00 per player + $2.95 Processing Fee
Late $65.00 per player + $2.95 Processing Fee
Individual Fees
Early Bird $45.00 + $2.95 Processing Fee
Regular $55.00 + $2.95 Processing Fee
Late $65.00 + $2.95 Processing Fee

East Austin Thursdays

Play on Thursdays in East Austin at Batch Craft Beer & Kolaches on Manor Rd. Games start at 6:30pm and continue through the evening. Then stick around the bar to enjoy the bocce specials and keep the party rolling!

Bar Location
Batch Craft Beer & Kolaches
3220 Manor Rd.
Austin, TX 78723

Bar Specials
Batch offers bocce players a special $1 corkage fee on any cans and bottles from the retail cases. Enjoy a humongous selection of craft beers at the lowest price in town. Drink up! Plus earn a ticket for any beer you buy.

Things to Know on Game Nights
Each night, make sure to check in with a Black Shirt upon arrival. Please be on time and ready to play each week. A minimum of 2 players are required to avoid a forfeit during regular season games (a min. of 3 players are required for playoffs). When you are done with your game, report your score to a Black Shirt, and of course enjoy bocce specials at the bar.  Standings and pictures will be updated on the website a few days after games.

How Do You Play?
This league will be governed by Bar Bocce - Permanent Court rules. Games will be played to 14 points or 45 minutes, whichever comes first. See the rules page for more details.

Rain Rain Go Away
In the event we need to cancel games due to lousy weather, we'll post the news on the Facebook page as well as send out an e-mail update by 4pm on game day. Any cancelled games will be made up at a later date.
Winner Takes All
What do you get for being a bocce champion this season? The team that ultimately reigns supreme garners bragging rights, a trophy, and commemorative Major League Bocce koozies! Good luck to all teams!
Ticket Contest
Drink beer, get rewarded!  Every time you order a sponsor beer at Batch you get a ticket from a bartender. Write your team name on your tickets, turn them in to the ticket bucket and at the end of the night, the tickets will be used towards the nightly raffle at the bar as well as towards the grand prize at the end of the season.
Stay Connected
Never miss an update: like us on Facebook and stay connected to the League. Questions? Send an e-mail to and we'll get back to you quickly.

League Notes:

Registration is closed

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